Love Triangles - Narcissistic Triangulation

Narcissistic Triangulation Explained

| What is Narcissistic Triangulation? | Narcissistic abuse takes many forms. Some of the more common devious tricks of a narcissistic abuser are gaslighting, humiliating and belittling and triangulation. This article will explore what triangulation is – what it looks like, why emotional abusers do it and how it affects a victim. You may have heard the term, “love triangle,”

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Healing after Narcissistic Abuse

Healing the Lasting Damage After Narcissistic Abuse

| Healing After Narcissistic Abuse Takes more than Time, Alone | Updated | People who have been subjected to narcissistic abuse may suffer long-lasting symptoms that adversely affect quality of life afterwards. The cluster of symptoms commonly associated with narcissistic abuse could be diagnosed as Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) or Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome. I use narcissistic abuse here

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