Denial in Narcissistic Relationships

Denial in Narcissistic Relationships

| Denial in Narcissistic Relationships: The Glue That Holds it Together | Denial is a psychological phenomenon characterized by a person’s refusal to accept or acknowledge the reality of a distressing or uncomfortable situation, often as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from emotional discomfort, anxiety, or cognitive dissonance. It involves a conscious or unconscious rejection of facts, events, or

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What is Gaslighting?A narcissist's weapon.

What is Gaslighting? It’s Among a Narcissistic Abuser’s Favorite Weapons.

What is Gaslighting and how does it Affect a Victim of Narcissistic Abuse? Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that is used to disorient and control a victim. It involves the manipulation of reality, causing the victim to question their own sanity and perception of events. Gaslighting is a particularly insidious form of abuse because it is subtle and

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Cognitive Dissonance - Narcissistic Abuse

Understanding Cognitive Dissonance With a Narcissist

What is Cognitive Dissonance and how does it Happen in Narcissistic Relationships? Have you ever suffered from hearing two completely different songs played at the same time? The disharmony of sounds is called dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term used to describe the mental discomfort people feel when they hold two or more conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. It

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Healing after Narcissistic Abuse

Healing the Lasting Damage After Narcissistic Abuse

| Healing After Narcissistic Abuse Takes more than Time, Alone | Updated | People who have been subjected to narcissistic abuse may suffer long-lasting symptoms that adversely affect quality of life afterwards. The cluster of symptoms commonly associated with narcissistic abuse could be diagnosed as Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) or Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome. I use narcissistic abuse here

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The Book is Here!

Now Available in Hardcover – The Adventures of Dan and Tina

Do you want to understand a narcissistic relationship? Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is often underestimated and misunderstood as arrogance or simple self-absorption – because of how it’s depicted in TV shows and movies. But the real condition – and its consequences – are much more insidious. Histrionic, borderline or narcissistic, the fallout from a relationship with a cluster B personality

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Lies Hurt logo (c)

Lies Hurt – Narcissism and Lying – An Introduction

Lies Hurt – Narcissism and Lying The diagnostic manuals don’t specifically allude to lying as a symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), but anyone who’s dealt with narcissists knows that narcissism and lying go hand in hand. Narcissistic Abuse is no small matter and generally speaking, it isn’t a “time heals all wounds” kind of injury. Recovering from narcissistic abuse

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Two Tinas – Narcissists Split Personalities

| Narcissists Split Personalities – When the Mask Slips | Life with Tina was so confusing, disorienting and confounding. It could seem like there were two Tinas or that she was in a kind-of Shrodinger’s quantum reality where she could exist in two contradictory states at once. She loved me and at the same time, she didn’t. She was somehow

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Brain diagrams

Symptoms of Narcissistic Abuse

Symptoms of Narcissistic Abuse How do you tell if you’re a victim of narcissistic abuse? Most everyone would agree that breaking up up sucks and finding out you’ve been cheated on hurts. Being psychologically and emotionally abused by a narcissist isn’t the same as a bad break up, though. It’s not just an indiscretion or incompatibility. Unless you’ve experienced it,

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Voter ID Debate

Political Avoidance

Narcissistic abuse leads to symptoms of complex post traumatic stress disorder, including severe reduction in self confidence and decision making ability. That can make it difficult to perform any work, but complex work that engages higher mental functions can be especially hampered (also see: Symptoms of Narcissistic Abuse). Losing faith in my own mental prowess was a small but significant

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Avoiding Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is a state of conflicted thoughts, ideas or realities. Or, a confused, frightening mental conflict between evidence of reality and contrary beliefs. It’s a difficult, even traumatizing phenomenon that I believe my subconscious mind was trying to prevent by avoiding information that would bring the dissonance about. Tina had been staying with me at My Mom’s house, with

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