The Book is Here!

Book Now Available! Get Your Copy of The Adventures of Dan and Tina

Just released: The Adventures of Dan and Tina, a new book about narcissistic abuse. Tina has a personality disorder and Dan was codependent. Yes, narcissistic abuse hurts men, too. Being in a relationship with a cluster B personality disordered person can leave you feeling lost, broken, confused, humiliated and even hopeless. What may have seemed like magic in the beginning

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Lies Hurt logo (c)

Lies Hurt – Narcissism and Lying – An Introduction

Lies Hurt – Narcissism and Lying The diagnostic manuals don’t specifically allude to lying as a symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), but anyone who’s dealt with narcissists knows that narcissism and lying go hand in hand. Narcissistic Abuse is no small matter and generally speaking, it isn’t a “time heals all wounds” kind of injury. Recovering from narcissistic abuse

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Miami Beach at Night

Healing Strategies After Narcissistic Abuse

| Healing from Narcissistic Abuse – How I Engaged in Recovery | Updated 3/24/21 | Healing from narcissistic abuse is no small matter. For the first couple months after I left my abusive relationship, all I could really do was survive. I was having a moral and spiritual crisis and I was viewing the world with new cynical and suspicious

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