Now Available in Hardcover – The Adventures of Dan and Tina
Do you want to understand a narcissistic relationship?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is often underestimated and misunderstood as arrogance or simple self-absorption – because of how it’s depicted in TV shows and movies. But the real condition – and its consequences – are much more insidious.
Histrionic, borderline or narcissistic, the fallout from a relationship with a cluster B personality disordered person is often tragically similar. Smart, good-natured men and women can fall prey to this kind of narcissistic abuse.
Victims of narcissistic abuse experience depression, anxiety, shame, guilt, and more severe conditions that directly affect their physical and mental wellbeing. Knowing how to detect the actual signs of NPD and understanding the patterns of behavior can help if you suspect a loved one may have it.
The Adventures of Dan and Tina is a riveting story of living through narcissistic abuse and surviving the aftermath. Charming, smart, and attractive – it wasn’t hard to fall for someone like Tina. And that’s exactly what Dan did. In the beginning, things were great. But behind the fading veneer of a passionate, new relationship, it became increasingly clear that something was very wrong: Tina was a narcissist and Dan, codependent.
The Adventures of Dan and Tina is the intense story of one man’s painful journey through a relationship with a partner with a Cluster B personality disorder. Through Dan’s eyes, we see first-hand what narcissistic abuse looks like. A tale of strength as much as struggle, it also tackles in a very practical manner, how to find the power to leave, recover, and move forward.
The story is equal parts memoir and self-help book. Author Dan McGrath uses his personal experiences to weave true to life events, insights, and strategic advice into a powerful and raw tale about mental health and recovery.
In this book, you’ll encounter:
– The abuse cycle, how to spot it, and how to end it
– Affirmation of your own experiences – You’re not crazy. Narcissistic abuse is very real and very damaging.
– How to identify abusive behavior, such as triangulation and gaslighting
– Insight into the inner-workings of a narcissist’s mind
– How to recover and move on from narcissistic abuse
Congratulations! In April I released Grace Under Siege by Rene Voland. It addresses same topic. Can we review each other’s book? How can I support you? We’re on same mission. Let me know what you think.
Yes! I’ll be in touch.
Any suggestions on what a parent can do when they are watching this all go down.