Disappearing Act - Ghosting

Out, in Puffs of Smoke

| The Devastating Effects of Ghosting, Silent Treatment, My Narcissist Fiance’s Disappearing Act | July 9th through 20th, 2016 | Ghosting, the act of abruptly disappearing from someone’s life without explanation can be painful even after a first date, but after months or years in a relationship it can be completely devastating. The psychological wound opened defies closure and festers

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Smoking Crack

Crack and Crime in Farmington

| March 16th, 2016 | I was excited to discover a pool hall in Farmington. Scott’s was still Tina’s home away from home, so it was a convenient spot for an occasional date. It was a dive as pool halls go, but we’d gone there together once or twice and found the staff and patrons to be agreeable. It was

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My kind of Crazy – Narcissists and Codependents

| Similarities Between Narcissists and Codependents & Trauma Bonding | September 10th, 2015 | After a considerable and revelatory walk around historic downtown Buffalo, we took the long way back towards the apartment. This brought us along a meandering path by the lake and into the back of the big parking lot, near the library. We crossed the lot and

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A Chilly Reception at Scott’s Farm – Narcissists, Harems & Triangulation

| Triangulation with a Member of a Narcissist’s Harem | Wednesday, September 9th 2015 was the day I met Scott and his son Doug at their Farmington estate. The day before, I’d tried a few times without success to reach Tina. That was a Tuesday. I hadn’t noticed it yet, but there was a pattern with Tuesdays. Tina was never

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Quicksand Rescue

It was one of our early dates. I’d driven out to Buffalo to spend at least a day and a night with Tina. Her mom was staying with Scott down in Farmington so we had the apartment to ourselves for the night. Tina didn’t seem to have much explored her environs and wasn’t sure where the nearest bars and restaurants

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