The Book is Here!

Book Now Available! Get Your Copy of The Adventures of Dan and Tina

Just released: The Adventures of Dan and Tina, a new book about narcissistic abuse. Tina has a personality disorder and Dan was codependent. Yes, narcissistic abuse hurts men, too. Being in a relationship with a cluster B personality disordered person can leave you feeling lost, broken, confused, humiliated and even hopeless. What may have seemed like magic in the beginning

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Lies Hurt logo (c)

Lies Hurt – Narcissism and Lying – An Introduction

Lies Hurt – Narcissism and Lying The diagnostic manuals don’t specifically allude to lying as a symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), but anyone who’s dealt with narcissists knows that narcissism and lying go hand in hand. Narcissistic Abuse is no small matter and generally speaking, it isn’t a “time heals all wounds” kind of injury. Recovering from narcissistic abuse

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Human Brain Diagram

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

| How to tell if Someone is a Narcissist: Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder | Updated | Victims of narcissistic abuse generally know for themselves once they learn about narcissistic personality disorder, but diagnosing NPD isn’t something that can be done with a website. There are common “tells” that could indicate you might be dealing with a narcissist, though. Narcissism

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Narcissists and Daddy Issues

Like her Grandpa

| Narcissists and Daddy Issues / Mommy Issues | Although narcissists ultimately want all the power, the relationship dynamic they seek and foster puts them in the position of a child to the adult, the parenting role to be assumed by their partner. They don’t seem to have adult-to-adult relationships with those who are close to them. I distinctly recall

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A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Manipulate – A Book Review

Michael Sunset’s book, A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Manipulate is a raw memoir relating how he was systematically manipulated by his ex-wife, her father and his own mother and sister to believe he had a mental illness. It’s a classic tale of gaslighting, reminiscent of the namesake film Gas Light that spawned the psychological term. His ex-wife deftly

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On-Again, Off-Again Relationships

Dissecting On-Again, Off-Again Relationships

Unstable, on-again, off-again relationships are a hallmark of Cluster B disorders, like borderline and narcissistic personality disorders. On-again, off-again relationships can be terribly damaging and often, they can be the result of a prolonged, repeated pattern of narcissistic abuse. Narcissists tend to target very empathetic and conscientious people, because they can mistreat them longer, with less chance of them leaving.

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Get Help for Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome

Narcissistic Abuse Victims Syndrome or just Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome is not included in the current, official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in the United States. The unofficial diagnoses are rather an observation, by numerous mental health professionals, of the same cluster of symptoms in people they’ve treated who were in relationships (romantic, family, friendship or professional) with suspected

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Relationship Committee

Relationship by Committee

“Sometimes I feel like I’m in a relationship with a committee, instead of just you,” I told Tina. It was a frequent concern of mine. Tina and her Mom existed in a state of homeostasis. They were accustomed to making decisions together. I was a new element in that dynamic and probably a disruptive one, but I believed that as

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Mommy, Where do Narcissists come From?

Or: Narcissists and Dung Beetles The dung beetle is a fascinating, but bizarre creature. Its life revolves around a literal ball of shit that it rolls or carries with it everywhere. Most creatures, especially humans, find rather repugnant the idea of carrying around a ball of shit. The notion only becomes more repellent when we learn that the beetle uses

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Narcissists are takers

The Narcissist’s Theft by Swindle

| Narcissists are Takers who Extract more than Supply | June 2018 | When it became clear that keeping my mom’s house wasn’t a viable option, Tina tried steering me away from using a realtor to sell the house. She said her parents had sold their old house in Eagan themselves and saved considerably on commissions. At first, Tina was

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